Thimidhi Poosei, Labaraque Mariammen Kovil
- Thimidhi Poosei, Labaraque Mariammen Kovil
- 2019-12-08T00:00:00+04:00
- 2019-12-08T23:59:59+04:00
- When Dec 08, 2019 (Indian/Mauritius / UTC400)
- Where Labaraque Mariammen Kovil
- Web Visit external website
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Ellōrukkum Vaṇakkam
The president & members of Labaraque Mariamen Kovil cordially invites you and your family to the annual celebration Thimidhee poosei (Marche sur le feu) which will be held on Sunday 8th December 2019
Codi Ettram (Pique Paavillon): Friday 29 November 2019 as from 6.00 p.m.
Urvalam: Friday 06 December 2019 as from 6.00 p.m.